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The First 50 Words Course for SLPs

Enrollment will open again in 2025.

Join the Waitlist!

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Early language therapy should be fun!

As clinicians, it can be hard to focus on the fun if we're overwhelmed and trying to reinvent the wheel for every session.


In this course, you'll learn how to take a systematic approach to early language therapy with core elements that you can individualize for each child. You will build a toolkit of intervention strategies for supporting early communication skills that you can embed into ANY activity. This will help you simplify and reduce time spent planning so you can spend more time doing the things you love!


This course is for both new and seasoned therapists.


The course contains 7.5 hours of professional development and now includes ASHA CEUs. You'll also get access to THREE digital resources: The First Words Workbook, The Spanish First Words Workbook, and The Four I Guide to Prelinguistic Skill Development. 


The video lessons and supplemental materials will help you develop the skills and confidence you need to love early language therapy.


You will learn a ton of evidence-based interventions and how to select interventions based on a child's current communication skills. We will cover all of the current research on supporting language development so you can be assured that your approach to therapy is aligned with the best available evidence. You will receive over 100 parent handouts that will help make your therapy sessions more productive with less effort and prep time.

Learn more about what's inside the course below!

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Ten Video Modules

This course includes 7.5 professional development hours. We will cover the fundamentals of language development, general strategies for supporting early communication skills, and evidence-based interventions for young children with communication needs. This includes late talkers and children with developmental language disorder, autism, and other neurodevelopmental disabilities.


This course includes modules on Prelingustic Skill Development, Early Language Assessment, Writing Goals and Selecting Interventions, Parent Coaching, and Considerations for Gestalt Processors. We also walk you through troubleshooting if you're feeling stuck on a tricky case.

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100+ Pages of Printable Resources

This course includes three digital resources.


The First Words Workbook features 50 pages of attractive, printable handouts to supplement the course topics. You can refer back to the workbook for a refresher on the four-step framework or print the pages individually by topic.


The First Words Workbook is now available in English AND Spanish!


The Guide to Prelingusitic Skill Development includes over 70 pages of evidence-based interventions for children with language disorders. This is a great reference guide for accessing the content in the video modules in an easily digestible and organized format.

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Lifetime Access

This self-paced course was created to accommodate you and your busy SLP schedule. You can work at your own pace and complete the lessons whenever works for you.


You'll also be able to revisit the course and all course materials at any point in the future. Your purchase includes lifetime access.


There will be an exclusive live Q&A session in early November for the students who join the fall cohort.


Hi!  I'm Laura Brown.

I'm a pediatric speech pathologist, early intervention specialist, and mom of two little boys. I have twelve years of experience working with young children. I always knew I wanted to be a pediatric therapist, but I didn't initially envision myself working with the tiny people. I fell in love with working on functional communication first which led me to my dream job in early intervention.


I created this course to be a practical resource for busy SLPs. I know how many constraints there are on your time. You will have access to comprehensive video lessons, while also having all the information organized and at your fingertips in the course workbooks. These workbooks contain over 100 pages of parent handouts to support your therapy objectives and make parent coaching a breeze!

Course Details

Module 0 The Fundamentals of Early Langu

This course was created to be a comprehensive resource for therapy with emerging communicators. You'll learn how to take a systematic approach to early language therapy using the Four I Model of Prelinguistic Skill Development. We will cover how to:

  • conduct an early language assessment and write strengths-based goals

  • select intervention strategies for emerging communicators based on their unique support needs

  • plan and execute early language therapy sessions


The price is $250 and includes lifetime access to the course and all course materials. You'll receive a certificate for 7.5 professional development hours and two digital course workbooks with over 100 pages of printable resources.

The First 50 Words Course for SLPs:
A Two-Part Course

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In Part One, you'll learn the fundamentals of language development along with general strategies for supporting early communication skills in all children. Lessons will cover the First Words Framework, which is a step-by-step approach for helping children say their first 50 words.


Part One contains short and straight-to-the-point video lessons that you can share with caregivers to support your therapy objectives. These video lessons are complemented by the First Words Workbook, which is full of detailed examples and actionable tips for each step of the framework.

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In Part Two, we will extensively cover the research and specific interventions for supporting emerging communicators in early language therapy. We will introduce the Four I Model of Prelingusitic Skill Development and cover clinical applications for assessment, goal writing, selecting interventions, and coaching caregivers. We will also discuss considerations and provide guidance for early language therapy with gestalt language processors.


Part Two includes the Guide to Prelinguistic Skill Development which contains 70+ pages of evidence-based interventions for young children with language disorders.

Course Testimonials

See what other SLPs are saying about the course...

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Marina, Pediatric SLP

This course was amazing! I was able to identify aspects of my clinical skills that are evidence-based and learn new interventions to better the approaches I use in my sessions. I enjoyed the video models and handouts provided for my own reference, as well as a form of education for my families. Additionally, the guided learning group was a wonderful place to work collaboratively with other SLPs to discuss the topics of the week and build additional resources to use as well!


Emily, Pediatric SLP

I've been a practicing SLP for 14 years and in that time a lot has changed within our field and the world. I've also been treating early intervention families for most of my career with play-based therapy being my passion. It was time for a refresher and the First 50 Words Course was everything I hoped it could me and more. It's been the perfect tool to take directly from my learning, into my private practice office. I love that there are included videos that I can watch in tandem with my clients and great handouts for families to keep at home as reference. This course has expanded my knowledge as a play-based SLP and I'm incredibly grateful for the learning.


Natalie, Early Intervention SLP

Overall, I feel like the content provided in this course was amazing. Not only were the evidence based strategies shared helpful, but the guided learning and videos were all helpful in allowing me to understand and process the information easily. I enjoyed the content and the handouts from the course workbooks are so clear and easy to understand. I can't wait to share them with my EI families!


Lauren, Pediatric SLP

I loved this course and was able to take away so much useful information. This course has allowed me to feel competent and confident in my clinical skills when working with early communication skills. The video lessons and handouts/workbook have provided me with useful knowledge that I can start using in treatment immediately. This course has really gotten me excited to work with limited verbal children and their families. Thank you so much for this course! 


Stacia, Early Intervention SLP

This course was just what I needed! It has been almost 10 years since I worked in EI. I enjoyed the easy to follow format and materials provided to allow me to share information with the families that I currently serve. Utilizing the First Words Workbook in my sessions, I have already noticed a change in how I work with this age group and in the progress that the children on my caseload are making.

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